Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Why, hello there, vacation.

How strange it feels to be happily employed, yet sitting at home doing nothing for an entire week. Not that I dislike it, because believe me, I already was needed a vacation, but it just feels weird.

On Thursday, I had some strange allergy attack and by Saturday I was in tears due to my personal, pathetic misery. On Sunday, I found myself feeling wonderfully better, but made myself stay home all day and continue to rest.

Finally feeling better, I spent some time with friends and went for dinner at the good ol' Cracker Barrel, where I finally purchased one of the greatest things of all time:

The picture is a clicky.
And it was only $4. Friends, let me tell you, a scalp-massager is where it's at. It allegedly helps with tension headaches. I told Travis I should take one to work and when I'm about to lose my mind, I should pull it out and be like, "Class, take 5. I need to reduce my tension."

Go buy one!

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