Sunday, August 28, 2011

One week down, one million to go.

School is officially back in session and already, it has been quite a week.

Overall, my classes so far are really good. I have a couple of rowdy classes, but hopefully once they get into the groove of things it'll subside. Hopefully is the keyword in that last sentence.

I think and hope it's going to be a really good year. I feel far more prepared this time around and so far, the things are going better in many aspects. I feel more confident, and I think that helps. :)

This year, our department will be putting together two fall shows. Usually it's one fall show, a musical in January, One-Act in the spring and a student-focused-something in May. Last year we did a showcase, sometimes we'll do a student-directed show.

Since we're doing two fall shows, the other theatre teacher and myself will each be directing a show. She has chosen to do Frankenstein and I will be doing a parody play called Murder in the Knife Room. I've not read the version of Frankenstein that she is going with, but my play is light-hearted and funny. I chose it because it has a LOT of roles and the hope is that it'll work well as a recruitment show. We really want to grow our department, so I think that a show with many roles that aren't overwhelming in size will draw in some new faces. I'm hoping that both will be well-received by our audiences. Frankenstein will run in October, just in time for Halloween, and my play will run in November.

In other news, my life is still pretty boring. Maybe I'll have some good stories to share later. :)

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