Sunday, April 22, 2012

19 Weeks, including a pictures!

How far along: 19weeks, 1 day.

How big is baby: About the size of a mango
Total weight gain: Still none. :)
Sleep: The quality of my sleep decreases a little every day. I guess that's so I'll be ready for the many sleepless nights in my future.
Maternity Clothes: I couldn't get dressed without them. I'm actually hoping to go shopping today for more.
Morning Sickness: Nope.
Food cravings: This week, anything as long as it's food.
Food aversions: Nothing new.
Challenges: Not sleeping on my stomach.
Movement: I feel the baby move here and there, but not all the time. The doctor assured me that's normal.
Boy or Girl?: I'm convinced that our baby is shy like Travis, because there's no way it could be stubborn like me. We tried to find out on Monday, but the baby was so active that it wouldn't sit still long enough to determine anything.
What I’m looking forward to: Finding out the gender, and getting to hold my baby for the first time.
What I miss: Barbeque, but when I eat it, I just don't like it. I miss liking barbeque. I live in Texas. Barbeque is mandatory.
Next appt: April 30th.

I have decided that I finally look pregnant enough and not just overweight so that I'm comfortable posting pictures. If you know me at all, you know that I don't care for pictures of myself. There aren't any 'before' pictures of me that are showcasing my stomach, so you can go ahead and let go of that pipe dream. :)

I'm definitely looking forward to the summer so I can get things done that I've been putting off, such as getting nursery ideas. The only thing I've picked out so far is a crib, but I haven't even done that much searching yet, so I'll probably change my mind. The only thing that is definitive at this point is that I want the furniture to be black. Also, whatever we get has to correlate with yellow, since the wall in the baby's room is yellow, and since we're moving out this year, I have no intentions of repainting it.

I also need to take my last test for teaching certification, since I put that off last year and regretfully had to renew my probationary certificate.

I could probably consider cleaning our home as well, considering it always looks like the Tazmanian Devil lives here. Somehow, Travis and I are going to have to learn to find the time to keep things neat, because at this rate, I'm afraid we'll lose the baby in a pile of laundry or something.

Maybe I just need a maid. :)

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