Wednesday, February 10, 2010

My latest internet addiction & television

Due to the awesomeness that is Super Mario Wii, I decided to see if there were places to play Super Mario 3 (originally on the NES) online.

Sure enough, there are places. I can't stop playing.

[Play Mario Here!]
The game could definitely use some work...sometimes the keys don't interact with the game when you press it, but it's doing the trick of bringing me back to my afternoons as a kid.

Super Mario 3 was by far my favorite. I'm currently on world 3 and I'm having trouble getting past 3-2. I keep falling in the water and those evil fish-things get me every time. Thankfully, the game lets you continue when you run out of lives.

In other news, I'm currently watching The Real World on MTV, and I want to slap Ashley constantly throughout each episode. Not only does she complain constantly about her hardships in her life (Hardships = learning experience. Take the pain and learn from it to better yourself; don't dwell on it) but she's rude to people. She just told Erica that she's spoiled. When the other girls were like, "Whoa, Ashley. You can't judge her based on her parents choosing to pay for her car." and she thinks she's totally justified. She also got mad when Erica asked her get off the phone so that she could call the cab company so that they could all go out for the evening.

Oh she's crying about---I don't even know. Such a drama queen. She reminds me of someone I don't really care for. Perhaps this is why I don't like her. I'll be excited when someone else is the center of attention on the show.

Ok, kids. The final season of LOST is officially in full swing. I am so happy for things to finally be coming together, but I am quite sad that it's coming to an end. I'm pretty convinced that God is Jacob and that the guy in black from Season 5's finale is Satan. I did not expect for the smoke monster to be the Satan-guy, but it actually makes sense. I was thinking that since Jacob's ghost had insisted that they take Sayid to the temple that he was going to take form in Sayid, but I'm not so sure now. John Locke immediately started behaving differently when the Satan guy took form in him.

It's all quite interesting. Up until now, I've been against reading blogs with theories about the show, but now that I'm starting to get some of my own, I'm considering reading some. My sister says that there's one on that's really good. She said that they catch little details that are giving away more than what you'd catch the first time around. We also continue to joke that there really won't be anything to live for once the show is over.

Today was my mom's birthday and Travis and I went over there for cake. Ethan (my nephew) was cracking me up the entire time. He'd make me go into his tent with him, "make a meal" with his toy food and dishes and we'd serve it to people. He'd ask what they don't like and be sure not to include it. When he made me a meal, my dessert was a potato chip.

Then he told me he wanted to spend the night tonight. I can't say that this statement doesn't melt me like butter...but I told him that we'd do it sometime soon. He's so adorable. :)

1 comment:

  1. Hmm.. I am still mourning Lost in a way. I am one of the few that loved the finale and how it left some things open to interpretation.

    Depending on the game consoles that you have, you could install an emulator and play old games off roms.
